Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn Fat Blaster

IMPORTANT: Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn Fat Blaster is also included in the Peak 10 Fit Body Challenge 8-Week Fat Complete Fat Loss Program

If you are looking for the ultimate fat-blasting, cardio-crushing workout, look no further.  Peak 10® Cardio Interval Burn “Fat Blaster” combines Michelle’s signature Peak 10® training method with fun & effective cardio sequences that will deliver powerful results quickly. Get ready to be lean, fit and strong!

This workout features all new cardio sequences that use a variety of moves from kickboxing, athletic drills, calisthenics, and aerobics. Each Cardio Interval Burn sequence will build up to an all-out Peak Intensity Blast that will help you BLAST FAT AND BURN CALORIES. 

As you adapt to the Peak 10® program you will find your energy, stamina and strength increase dramatically while your body turns into a LEANER, STRONGER and more FIT version of your previous self.

Please note:

This is a digital workout.  You will not be sent anything in the mail.


50% Complete

Two Step

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